[Other Books] Aurora // Ryan Madej


I don’t know much about Ryan’s work, just that he has the Midtown Tetralogy over at Orbis Tertius Press [who I know of cos they rejected Purple Muon Castle a while back, which was obviously a terrible thing for them to do but, really, if I made voodoo dolls of every press that’s rejected my work then all we would have left is Schism and that’s not very fair – actually I think Schism rejected one of my stories once, for their gobbet magazine, so they’d be gone too] and that his surname might be Slovenian.

Or maybe Czech.

If it’s Slovenian, I think it’s pronounced Muh-day. But I’m not a hundred per cent sure on that.

[Just checked and apparently Madej is a Polish surname. Will need the author to confirm this though].

Back to Aurora…

I was attracted to this one after seeing the cover and reading the title. Anything to do with space – outer, inner, hovering enigmatically in the atmosphere, other – I’m interested.

Plot summary?

Can’t find one with the basics, but these are the two blurbs attached to the book on its Lulu page:

“A dream of metamorphosis as ancient as nebulae, viewed through orbital telescopes, that know more about ‘human nature’ than we do.”

Louis Armand Author of ‘The Combinations’ & ‘Entropology’

“Ryan Madej’s perverse novel reads primarily as a love story, alternating between the deviant and the divine, or as close as one can get from the physical realm. A journey through madness from the mundane to the otherworldly.”

Charlene Elsby Author of ‘The Devil Thinks I’m Pretty’ & ‘Violent Faculties’

Neither gives me much to go on so this spec could really go off the rails in terms of who the main characters are and general setting/locations [just like the last three I’ve done tbh].

Though there are some clues in the blurbs:

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