Dah Station 7 [Serial]


As promised several times before, it is now finally time for my Star Trek analogue serial.

Not an analogue exactly, I’m far too miserable/bleak for that, more a mix of Star Trek, Blake’s 7, Day of the TentacleHowl’s Moving Castle and a Japanese portal fantasy. Probably a lot of other influences too, which will become apparent to both me and you as the chapters progress.

I’ve already written 27 chapters of this, around 90k words, and there’s a rough outline for another hundred or so chapters so, hopefully, assuming I don’t die or suffer yet another mental breakdown, this one should run for the rest of all our lives as well as philosophical eternity. I mean, it’ll always be up here, waiting to be read.

Plot summary?

I thought I’d written this a year ago, but I can’t find the file now so I’m gonna have to write it again from scratch. It’s annoying cos the first one I did was pretty good.

Basically, it starts with a guy called Trig working a sludge job at Zinc Burger, trying to block out the fascists taking over his city, dreaming of alien worlds and permanent escape. Pretty blatant foreshadowing obviously.

Then he sees a guy disappear in an underpass at 1am and, roping in his friends, Cav the Anarchist and Salvo the Realist, he goes back the next night to investigate.

Things progress fairly rapidly, but not as rapidly as modern Japanese anime, and after 9 chapters Trig and co are through the portal and trespassing on an alien station hundreds of light years away.

Will they be executed on sight? Locked up?

Or pressganged into working there, among a diverse mix of humanoid and exotic aliens, including: a curly wurly type thing, an earphones type thing, an octopus blob type thing, and humans with their skin painted a different colour?

I think that’s enough to go on for now.

We’ll start with one chapter a week, on Mondays, and see how it goes from there.










