Castle Damijana/Teito Monogatari in and around Sham Shui Po


When there’s no more books in Hell, my old, drifty, Slovene-y stab at horror, Castle Damijana, [plus Teito Monogatari] will rise i.e. be dragged around Sham Shui Po and the flower market.

Half of the pics were taken in an info-shop called Black Window [where I also picked up a Palestine resources booklet made by another collective in Brighton]. They have a decent zine collection that I will be back to look at in more detail when I have time.

If anyone’s attracted by the Castle Damijana cover [done by Soren Häxan] the whole thing is free to read on here.

Plot-wise, it’s similar to the Star Trek DS9 episode where Jake Sisko gets yellow energy sucked out of his head by Meg Foster while writing his masterpiece, but this one’s set in Slovenia and is better.

Teito is just Teito, my permanent Japanese migraine.



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New Release // Castle Damijana

Castle Damijana


1357: Pedro of Portugal dug up his dead mistress, made her queen, and forced loyal subjects to kiss her hand.

Billy makes a zine that no one reads, and puts it round London. At night he searches for 7 of 9 sex tapes and tries to understand fourth-wave feminist theory. Life stays like this until he gets an e-mail from ‘D’ in Ljubljana, asking him to come to stay. He thinks she’s a nut until she sends him eight grand in spending money. Off he goes, to Ljubljana, to Metelkova, to the outskirts of the city, to a castle on a snowy hill, to Damijana and her typewriter. One of them is a sociopath, can you guess which?

Plot-wise, it’s similar to the Star Trek DS9 episode where Jake Sisko gets yellow energy sucked out of his head by Meg Foster while writing his masterpiece, but this one’s set in Slovenia and is better.

Cover done by the legendary Soren who can be found/hired on corpsehaus

Note: this is a rewrite of an old book I wrote called ‘Ljubljana Witch’ – that one was around 40,000 words, this one is bordering on 100,000 so if you’re one of the few who read the original and thought it was a bit short, you’re in luck.

You can buy it on bookdepository