Verified records of history changing


Note: if you know of any more, let us know.


Recorded records of history changing [literature]

1] A construction worker, 42, from Slovenia, went back to the early 20th Century on timeline 210988 and stopped Italo Zeno, the man who wrote ‘Svevo’s Conscience’ from meeting James Joyce. As a result, the writer was never discovered and did not become a celebrity late in life – instead, it is recorded that he died in a cancer ward in Northern Italy, alone, depressed, smoky.

2] A conservative woman, 26, from Ohio, USA, went back to the sixteenth century on timeline 210845 and stuck a pen in the neck of Rabelais. The writer did not die, but was nursed back to health by the same woman and encouraged not to be so smutty. As a result, his works became bland, safe and, finally, puritanical.

3] A failed writer, 52, from New York, New York, USA, journeyed to the 1940’s on timeline 211064 and stayed in the same building as 16 year old budding writer, Holden Caulfield. He got to know the young man and asked to read his work. After doing so, he told Caulfield that his novel was ‘hopeless, hopeless, fucking hopeless’ for a whole year. On December 28th, with the failed writer slouched against the opposite window, Caulfield threw his manuscript and then himself onto the street below. Like Leslie Cheung, he landed on some railings and was almost cut in half; luckily the wound was not that deep and his waist somehow held itself together. He still died, of course, but the body was slightly less gruesome for the mortician to look at. The failed writer retrieved the manuscript and published it a few years later under his own name. Continue reading